
The Kantas Expanse

If you’ve ever heard of Baldur’s Gate, of Neverwinter or Waterdeep, then you are familiar with the continent of Faerûn, or as it is sometimes known, the Forgotten Realms. The Kantas Expanse concerns another continent far from the Forgotten Realms, however; one which until recently was completely unknown to the denizens of Faerûn, or indeed any other land on Toril. This mysterious continent is known by its denizens as Kantas. It has remained hidden from all others by virtue of a few strange features of the land. More research needs to be done, but suffice to say it is one of the great mysteries of the continent—just what is it and how did it come to exist?

This is our ongoing Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition campaign, which is open to new players, set on a new continent in the familiar Forgotten Realms setting. Our homebrew twist to a classic has been adapted especially for you, busy Londoners! We run multiple Kantas games every week in central London (currently all games run online through Discord). While the sessions are all one-shots, every storyline happens in the same setting and is connected to the rest of the games by an overarching plot. It is just like a long-running campaign except you don’t need to commit to coming every week. You can bring the same character to any (level appropriate) Kantas game and enjoy character progression, levelling up, and playing with a (slightly) different group of people each time.

An outline of The Kantas Expanse; campaign setting, history, custom rules, and character creation steps to join the campaign in play.

Here’s an Actual Play and Interview about LRC and Kantas

Released 14 November 2019, thanks to The Rolistes Podcast
Released 28 December 2019, thanks to The Rolistes Podcast
Released 21 February 2020, thanks to The Rolistes Podcast
Released 27 April 2020, thanks to The Rolistes Podcast

Sounds fun! How do I join a game?

If you are a newcomer to our campaign, you are eligible for the First Timer Boost – a priority booking. You need to start in Kantas with a Beginner Friendly session regardless of previous experience in RPGs.
You can request this boost from any of our Kantas Dungeon Masters, where you’ll be contacted when a Beginner Friendly session becomes available. This is all easily done through our Discord server

For help with character creation, how to sign up to games after your first time and much more please read the Player’s Guide to the Kantas Expanse.


Our active forum is used to interact with other players between games in-character in a few ways. Firstly, it’s used to pre-book games before they go live on Meetup using ‘Rumours’. Once you sign up to a ‘Rumour’ on the forum (they usually go live at noon Saturdays), you will be added to the respective Meetup event automatically when it’s released online (usually 8pm Sundays). Second, another fantastic section on the forum is ‘Session Write Ups’, where you can write a summary of the session you’ve played for everyone’s enjoyment. This helps us keep track of what happens, acts as a creative outlet for players and you get rewards when you do it!


Usually we use Discord to chat outside of the gaming experience. Of course, you can use #kantas-general channel to talk about your Kantas characters, lore you find interesting, rules discussions or anything else that doesn’t quite fit on the forum. We also generally manage Downtime Activities of Kantas characters in #downtime-general channel. Downtime rules can be found in the Player’s Guide to the Kantas Expanse

Open Campaign

Anyone is welcome to join a session of this game as long as it is marked [Beginner-Friendly]. Please join our Discord server and say hi to your DMs and fellow players when you sign up, and reach out to Kantas DMs to get your character created before the game starts.

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

This campaign uses the official core Forgotten Realms setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Drawing on over forty years of history, D&D lets you create mighty heroes to battle monsters, solve puzzles, and reap rewards.

Cover art by Mark Molnar for Wizards of the Coast